Youth development is important to consider when developing programs, mentoring, and guiding youth through the most pivotal developmental stages in their lives. Making connections with youth and giving them a trusted adult to talk to is pivotal in the development of key communication skills that enhance emotional development. Development of healthy life skills, coping skills, and building on the 40 developmental assets. The 40 developmental assets are split between external and internal and the more assets & protective factors, the less likely they will be to engage in risky behaviors. Step Up Naugy has hosted the 40 Developmental Assets training this year and have done them in years past.
Research has shown that the presence of developmental assets in a young person's life is correlated with a range of positive behaviors, including academic achievement, healthy decision-making, and reduced engagement in risky behaviors such as substance abuse and violence. When youth have access to supportive adults, a caring community, and opportunities for meaningful involvement, they are more likely to develop the confidence and skills needed to navigate life's challenges. Conversely, a lack of these assets can leave youth vulnerable to negative influences and detrimental choices.
Overall, youth development is the promotion of positive life skills (another one of the major goals of Naugatuck Youth Services & Step Up Naugy). Programs focusing around areas such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving empowers young people to make informed decisions and build strong relationships. These skills are not only essential for academic success but also for personal and professional relationships later in life. By cultivating these abilities, youth development initiatives help instill confidence and a sense of agency in young people, encouraging them to pursue their goals and aspirations.